Volume 99


The Public/Private Rights Critics

Ann Woolhandler & Michael G. Collins  99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1779 (2024)

The Seventh Amendment Right to Jury Trial in the Administrative State: Recognizing the Dangers of the Constitutional Moment

Martin H. Redish & Samy Abdelsalam 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1743 (2024)

Non–Article III Federal Tribunals: An Essay on the Relation Between Theory and Practice

Richard H. Fallon, Jr. 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1691 (2024)


Proper Parents, Proper Relief

Katie Grace Graziano 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1821 (2024)

Whose Equity? Interpreting Statutes Authorizing Equitable Remedies

Drew Garden 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1793 (2024)


Historical Fact

Ryan C. Williams 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1585 (2024)

Guns, Analogies, and Constitutional Interpretation Across Centuries

Frederick Schauer & Barbara A. Spellman 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1585 (2024)

What Originalism Can Teach Historians: History as Analogy, Means-Ends Tests, and the Problem of History in Bruen

Kunal M. Parker 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1541 (2024)

Diverse Originalism, History & Tradition

Christina Mulligan 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1515 (2024)

The General-Law Right to Bear Arms

William Baude & Robert Leider 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1467 (2024)

Bruen’s Enforcement Puzzle: Unearthing and Adjudicating the Historical Enforcement Record in Second Amendment Cases

Darrell A.H. Miller, Alexandra Filindra & Noah Kaplan 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1425 (2024)

Technology, Tradition, and “The Terror of the People”

Darrell A.H. Miller, Alexandra Filindra & Noah Kaplan 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1373 (2024)

Patent Law’s Role in Protecting Public Health

Sean B. Seymore 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1315 (2024)

The Incoherence of Evidence Law

G. Alexander Nunn 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1255 (2024)


Elastic Batch and Bellwether Proceedings in Mass Arbitration

Bennett Rogers 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1655 (2024)

Strengthening State Constitutions

Jared C. Huber 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1621 (2024)



Ordinary Conscience and Pretend Offenses: Protecting Those Left Out of Title VII After Groff

Robin Fretwell Wilson and Michael J. Petersen99 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 289 (2024)


Cleaning the Mess of 303 Creative v. Elenis

Netta Barak-Corren99 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 331 (2024)

First Amendment Imbalance: Kennedy v. Bremerton School District

Steven K. Green99 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 269 (2024)

Thoughts on the Architecture of Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech

Perry Dane99 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 247 (2024)

Public Employees as a Reflection of a Religiously Diverse Culture

Steven T. Collis99 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 229 (2024)


Toxic Discretion: Environmental Inequality and the Discretionary Function Exception

Sarah E. Barritt99 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 375 (2024)

Resolving Land Use Conflicts Without Zoning

Noah Austin99 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 349 (2024)


Intellectual Property and the Myth of Nonrivalry

James Y. Stern 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1163 (2024)

Climate Zoning 

Christopher Serkin 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1093 (2024)

Pretrial Commitment and the Fourth Amendment 

Laurent Sacharoff 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1021 (2024)

Admiralty, Abstention, and the Allure of Old Cases 

Maggie Gardner 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 881 (2024)

Tying Law for the Digital Age 

Daniel A. Crane 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 821 (2024)

Rethinking Legislative Facts 

Haley N. Proctor 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 955 (2024)


Who is a Minister? Originalist Deference Expands the Ministerial Exception 

Jared C. Huber 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1223 (2024)



An Originalist Approach to Puerto Rico: Arguments Against the Status Quo

Micah Allred99 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 151 (2024)



Youngjae Lee99 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 191 (2024)


An Originalist Approach to Prospective Overruling

John O. McGinnis & Michael Rappaport 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 425 (2023)

Preventing Undeserved Punishment 

Marah Stith McLeod 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 493 (2023)

The Conferred Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court 

Leila Nadya Sadat 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 549 (2023)

Midstream Contract Interpretation 

Alan Schwartz & Simone M. Sepe 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 611 (2023)

Common Law Statutes 

Charles W. Tyler 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 669 (2023)

Converse-Osborn: State Sovereign Immunity, Standing, and the Dog-Wagging Effect of Article III 

Carlos M. Vázquez 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 717 (2023)


State Officers and the Enforcement of Federal Law 

Charlie Nugent 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 761 (2023)



Did the Court in SFFA Overrule Grutter?

Bill Watson99 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 113 (2023)

Qualified Immunity as Gun Control

Guha Krishnamurthi & Peter N. Salib99 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 93 (2023)

Congressional Power to Institute a Wealth Tax

Will Clark99 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 137 (2023)


Rule 4 and Personal Jurisdiction 

Scott Dodson 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1 (2023)

Against the Chenery II “Doctrine” 

Gary S. Lawson & Joseph Postell 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 47 (2023)

Reversing Incorporation 

Ilan Wurman 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 265 (2023)

The Myth of the Federal Private Nondelegation Doctrine 

Alexander Volokh 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 203 (2023)

Harmful Precautions 

Ronen Perry 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 153 (2023)

What Twenty-First-Century Free Speech Law Means for Securities Regulation 

Helen Norton 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 97 (2023)


Disfavoring Statutory Parentheses (Except in Certain Circumstances) 

Zachary A. Damir 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 349 (2023)

The “Nonministerial” Exception 

Athanasius G. Sirilla 99 Notre Dame L. Rev. 393 (2023)



A Textualist Defense of a New Collateral Order Doctrine

Adam Reed Moore99 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 1 (2023)


Presidential Power and What the First Congress Did Not Do

Michael D. Ramsey99 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 47 (2023)

Does the Discourse on 303 Creative Portend a Standing Realignment?

Richard M. Re99 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 67 (2023)