Volume 97


Law, Equity, and Supplemental Jurisdiction

James E. Pfander & Peter C. Douglas 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2115 (2022)

Abstaining Equitably

Fred O. Smith, Jr. 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2095 (2022)

Equity's Federalism

Kellen Funk 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2057 (2022)

Equity and the Sovereign

Mila Sohoni 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2019 (2022)

Empire in Equity

Seth Davis 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1985 (2022)

Administrative Stays: Power and Procedure

Rachel Bayefsky 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1941 (2022)

Federal Judicial Power and Federal Equity Without Federal Equity Powers

John Harrison 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1911 (2022)

Standing, Equity, and Injury in Fact

Ernest A. Young 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1885 (2022)

Constitutional Tolling and Preenforcement Challenges to Private Rights of Action

Michael T. Morley 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1825 (2022)

Equity's Atrophy

Andrew Kull 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1801 (2022)

Getting into Equity 

Samuel L. Bray & Paul B. Miller 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1763 (2022)


Attorneys, E-Discovery, and the Case for 37(g)

Marilyn G. Mancusi 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2227 (2022)

A Responsive Remedy for Unconstitutional Removal Restrictions

William C. Eisenhauer 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2195 (2022)

Rethinking Patents Within the Natural Law

Nicholas A. D'Andrea 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2169 (2022)

Payors, Players, and Proximate Cause

Elisabeth F. Crusey 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2137 (2022)


Taking (Equal Voting) Rights Seriously: The Fifteenth Amendment as Constitutional Foundation, and the Need for Judges to Remodel Their Approach to Age Discrimination in Political Rights

Vikram David Amar 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1619 (2022)

The Lawfulness of the Fifteenth Amendment

Travis Crum 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1543 (2022)

The Work Is Not Done: Frederick Douglass and Black Suffrage

Bradley Rebeiro 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1511 (2022)

Brown, History, and the Fourteenth Amendment

Christopher W. Schmidt 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1477 (2022)

The Incorporation of the Republican Guarantee Clause

Jason Mazzone 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1435 (2022)

The Intent of the Framer: John Bingham’s Fourteenth Amendment

Michael Zuckert 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1411 (2022)

Freedom Seekers: The Transgressive Constitutionalism of Fugitives from Slavery 

Rebecca E. Zietlow 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1375 (2022)


Understanding Terminations for “Disability-Caused Misconduct” as Failures to Provide Reasonable Accommodation

Michael S. Verdichizzi 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1735 (2022)

Beefing up Skinny Labels: Induced Infringement as a Question of Law

Garrett T. Potter 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1707 (2022)

Up in Smoke: Why Regulating Social Media like Big Tobacco Won’t Work (Yet!)

Ian McKay 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1669 (2022)

How Favored, Exactly? An Analysis of the Most Favored Nation Theory of Religious Exemptions from Calvary Chapel to Tandon

Luray Buckner 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1643 (2022)


Contract's Covert Meddlers

Sarah Winsberg 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1265 (2022)

Stare Decisis and Intersystemic Adjudication

Nina Varsava 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1207 (2022)

The Role of Emotion in Constitutional Theory

J. Joel Alicea 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1145 (2022)

Prosecution in Public, Prosecution in Private

Lauren M. Ouziel 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1071 (2022)

A Simple Model of Torts and Moral Wrongs

Steven Schaus 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1029 (2022)

Eliminating the Fugitive Disentitlement Doctrine in Immigration Matters 

Tania N. Valdez 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 963 (2022)


The Impending Collision of Smart Contracts and the Automatic Stay

Carter D. Wietecha 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1351 (2022)

Calling Balls and Strikes? Chief Justice Roberts in October Term 2019

Meghan Dalton 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1327 (2022)


A Solution for the Third-Party Doctrine in a Time of Data Sharing, Contact Tracing, and Mass Surveillance

Tonja Jacobi & Dustin Stonecipher 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 823 (2022)

State Rejection of Federal Law

Thomas B. Bennett 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 761 (2022)

Establishment’s Political Priority to Free Exercise

Marc O. DeGirolami 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 715 (2022)

Federal Courts and Takings Litigation

Ann Woolhandler and Julia D. Mahoney 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 679 (2022)

Groups and Rights in Institutional Reform Litigation

David Marcus 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 619 (2022)

Revoking Wills

David Horton 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 563 (2022)

The Commodification of Public Land Records 

Reid Kress Weisbord & Stewart E. Sterk 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 507 (2022)


Whose Secularism? Which Laïcité? Negotiating Transnational and National Constitutionalism in Kosovo

Thomas J. Hellenbrand 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 925 (2022)

To Stay or Not to Stay: Competing Motions in the Shadow of Multidistrict Litigation

Emily M. Dowling 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 897 (2022)



The Impending Judicial Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in the Administrative State

Aram A. Gavoor 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 197 (2022)

The Turney Memo

Beau J. Baumann 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 170 (2022)


Copyright and the Creative Process

Mark Bartholomew 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 357 (2021)

Libel by Omission of Exculpatory Legal Decisions

Eugene Volokh 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 351 (2021)

The Duty Not to Continue Distributing Your Own Libels

Eugene Volokh 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 315 (2021)

Delegation, Administration, and Improvisation

Kevin Arlyck 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 243 (2021)

Forum Selection Clauses, Non-signatories, and Personal Jurisdiction

John F. Coyle & Robin J. Effron 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 187 (2021)

Oversight Riders

Kevin M. Stack and Michael P. Vandenbergh 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 127 (2021)

Bostock Was Bogus: Textualism, Pluralism, and Title VII 

Mitchell N. Berman & Guha Krishnamurthi 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 67 (2021)

Uncertain Terms

Leah R. Fowler, Jim Hawkins & Jessica L. Roberts 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1 (2021)

Book Reviews

Cancelling Capitalism?

Christina Parajon Skinner 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 417 (2021)


It’s a Trap: A New Economic Model Addressing American Public Education

Nikhil A. Gulati 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 481 (2021)

Law Is in the Bin: New Frontiers in Conceptual Art and Legal Liability

Katelyn E. Doering 97 Notre Dame L. Rev. 441 (2021)