Volume 98

Keynote Address

Remarks at Notre Dame Law School 

Brett M. Kavanaugh 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1849 (2023)


Preemption Exemption: FDA-Approved Abortion Drugs After Dobbs 

Jared C. Huber 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2217 (2023)

The Emerging Possibility of Religious Charter Schools: A Case Study of Arizona and Massachusetts 

Kathleen C. Ryan 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2257 (2023)

Due Deference: Kisor, Stinson, and the United States Sentencing Commission 

Tim Steininger 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2287 (2023)

The “Catch-22” of Rule 23(b)(2): Past Purchaser’s Standing to Pursue Injunctive Relief 

Margarete Tompkins 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2317 (2023)


The Path of Administrative Law Remedies 

Aditya Bamzai 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2037 (2023)

The Administrative Procedure Act: Failures, Successes, and Danger Ahead 

Emily S. Bremer 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1873 (2023)

The APA as a Super-Statute: Deep Compromise and Judicial Review of Notice-and-Comment Rulemaking 

William N. Eskridge Jr. & John Ferejohn 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1893 (2023)

Interpreting the Administrative Procedure Act: A Literature Review 

Christopher J. Walker & Scott T. MacGuidwin 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1963 (2023)

Vacatur, Nationwide Injunctions, and the Evolving APA 

Ronald M. Levin 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1997 (2023)

Textualism and the Administrative Procedure Act 

Kristin E. Hickman & Mark R. Thomson 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2071 (2023)

A Lack of Uniformity, Compounded, in Immigration Law 

Jill E. Family 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2115 (2023)

Movement Administrative Procedure 

Evan D. Bernick 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2177 (2023)

Making Sense of Absence: Interpreting the APA’s Failure to Provide for Court Review of Presidential Administration 

Noah A. Rosenblum 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 2143 (2023)


Severability and Standing Puzzles in the Law of Removal Power 

Jack Ferguson 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1731 (2023)

The Primacy of Free Exercise in Public-Employee Religious Speech 

Nicholas J. Grandpre 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1767 (2023)

Procedure at the Intersection of Law and Equity: Veil Piercing and the Seventh Amendment 

Samuel Haward 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1799 (2023)

A Third Category for Rideshare Drivers: Untying Employment Statutes from Agency Law 

Nathaniel Reyes 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1823 (2023)


Whose Liberalism, Which Christianity? 

Jonathan Chaplin 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1697 (2023)

Contingency and Contestation in Christianity and Liberalism 

Michael P. Moreland 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1721 (2023)


“It Is Tash Whom He Serves”: Deneen and Vermeule on Liberalism 

Andrew Koppelman 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1525 (2023)

Christians and/as Liberals? 

Steven D. Smith 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1497 (2023)

Catholic Liberalism and the Liberal Tradition 

Kathleen A. Brady 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1469 (2023)

“The Arc of the Moral Universe”: Christian Eschatology and U.S. Constitutionalism 

Nathan S. Chapman 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1439 (2023)

Natural Law, Parental Rights, and the Defense of “Liberal” Limits on Government: An Analysis of the Mortara Case and Its Contemporary Parallels 

Melissa Moschella 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1559 (2023)

Religious Political Arguments, Accessibility, and Democratic Deliberation 

Paul Billingham 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1595 (2023)

Tender and Taint: Money and Complicity in Entanglement Jurisprudence 

Amy J. Sepinwall 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1623 (2023)

Liberalism and Orthodoxy: A Search for Mutual Apprehension 

Brandon Paradise & Fr. Sergey Trostyanskiy 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1657 (2023)


Specific Performance: On Freedom and Commitment in Contract Law 

Hanoch Dagan & Michael Heller 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1323 (2023)

The Limits of Church Autonomy 

Lael Weinberger 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1253 (2023)

A Prophylactic Approach to Compact Constitutionality 

Katherine Mims Crocker 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1185 (2023)

Congressional Power, Public Rights, and Non-Article III Adjudication 

John M. Golden & Thomas H. Lee 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1113 (2023)

The Structure of Criminal Federalism 

Erin C. Blondel 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1037 (2023)

The Limitations of Privacy Rights 

Daniel J. Solove 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 975 (2023)


The Stewardship Model of Necessity 

Joseph Graziano 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1373 (2023)

Battlegrounds for Banned Books: The First Amendment and Public School Libraries 

Jensen Rehn 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1405 (2023)



The Scope of Compelling Government Interests

R. George Wright 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 146 (2023)

Living Recipes...and Constitutions

John Vlahoplus 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 133 (2023)


What's Originalism After Transunion?: Picking an Originalist Approach That Gets Standing Back on Track

Julian Gregorio 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 172 (2023)


The Constitutional Law of Interpretation 

Anthony J. Bellia Jr. & Bradford R. Clark 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 519 (2022)

Solidarity Federalism 

Erin F. Delaney & Ruth Mason 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 617 (2022)

On the Rightful Deprivation Of Rights 

Frederick Schauer 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 671 (2022)

Debs and the Federal Equity Jurisdiction 

Aditya Bamzai & Samuel L. Bray 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 699 (2022)

State Digital Services Taxes: A Good and Permissible Idea (Despite What You Might Have Heard) 

Young Ran (Christine) Kim & Darien Shanske 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 741 (2022)

Social Trust in Criminal Justice: A Metric 

Joshua Kleinfeld & Hadar Dancig-Rosenberg 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 815 (2022)


Democracy's Forgotten Possessions: U.S. Territories’ Right to Statehood Through Constitutional Liquidation 

Joshua Stephen Ebiner 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 885 (2022)

Put Mahanoy Where Your Mouth Is: A Closer Look at When Schools Can Regulate Online Student Speech 

Courtney Klaus 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 935 (2022)



Bostock and Textualism: A Response to Berman and Krishnamurthi

Andrew Koppelman 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 89 (2022)

Revisiting the Fried Chicken Recipe

Zachary B. Pohlman 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 76 (2022)


The First Amendment and Military Justice: Threats to Political Neutrality

Joshua Paldino 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. Reflection 114 (2022)


Religious Liberty and Judicial Deference 

Mark L. Rienzi 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 337 (2022)

Privacy Qui Tam 

Peter Ormerod 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 267 (2022)

Against Secondary Meaning 

Jeanne C. Fromer 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 211 (2022)

Interring the Unitary Executive 

Christine Kexel Chabot 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 129 (2022)

Interpreting State Statutes in Federal Court 

Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 61 (2022)

The Moral Authority of Original Meaning 

J. Joel Alicea 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1 (2022)

Book Reviews

Recovering Classical Legal Constitutionalism: A Critique of Professor Vermeule's New Theory 

Jeffrey A. Pojanowski & Kevin C. Walsh 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 403 (2022)


Remedying the Immortal: The Doctrine of Accession and Patented Human Cell Lines 

Julia E. Fissore-O'Leary 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 491 (2022)

"A Sword in the Bed": Bringing an End to the Fusion of Law and Equity 

Brooks M. Chupp 98 Notre Dame L. Rev. 465 (2022)