Sean Anderson
Sean Anderson is a Georgia native, having spent his youth in the Atlanta suburb of Roswell. In December of 2021, Sean graduated from Emory University with a Bachelor of Business Administration, concentrating in Accounting and ISOM (Information Systems and Operations Management). During his 1L summer, Sean interned in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Texas in Dallas. As a 2L, Sean externed with U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael G. Gotsch, Sr., in the Northern District of Indiana. During his 2L year, Sean also managed the Law School’s merchandise store and served as the treasurer for the Notre Dame Law School chapter of the Federalist Society and the vice president for the Future Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council. During his 2L summer, Sean interned in the Legal Department for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. In his free time, Sean enjoys reading detective novels, shooting photography, and restoring antiques.